
We're migrating our servers to newer, more powerful hardware.

The work is being carried out over a period of time and the current schedule is shown below:

Spectulise Server 1 - Sunday 17th October 2021
Spectulise Server 2 - Thursday 18th November 2021
Spectulise Server 3 - Wednesday 20th October 2021
Spectulise Server 4 - Monday 15th November 2021

All accounts and settings will automatically be synchronised with the new server. At the point of switchover we expect approximately 5 minutes of disruption while things are routed to the new server.

You don’t need to do anything, but if you experience any issues following the switch over, please let us know by email to or call 01732 247150.

We will post any updates during the migration on our Twitter feed also available at

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Server migration